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GIN supporting the work of the UN SOGI Expert

This year, GIN-SSOGIE has been delighted to follow and participate in some of the work of the newly appointed UN SOGI Expert, Vitit Muntabhorn. After participating in the public consultation held in January 2017, in Geneva, alongside civil society organizations including other faith-based organizations, GIN-SSOGIE worked to send in invaluable information, for the writing up of the Expert’s first report. This is when we sent you all a call for input, and want to thank again those who sent us elements of information and research.

The expert’s first report was presented to the 35th session of the UN Human Rights Council, in June 2017, in Geneva. Once again, GIN-SSOGIE was delighted to be there to listen to some of the Expert’s findings. It is important to note that his report underlined his own spiritual approach to his work and human rights, revealed in some of the wording used (empathy, compassion, care etc.). This meeting was also the opportunity for us to meet and discuss with other LGBTI organizations and faith-based groups.

You can find a copy of the Expert’s first report at: https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/G17/095/53/PDF/G1709553.pdf?OpenElement

Vitit Muntabhorn’s second report will be presented to the UN General Assembly in New York, in October. Once again, GIN-SSOGIE will be present, continuing to work alongside other civil society organizations to amplify the voice of our faith-based LGBTI community.

You can find a copy of the Expert’s second report at: http://www.un.org/en/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/72/172

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