‘We recognize that a whole range of individuals and families, including LGBTIQ families, have been excluded from the definition of ‘natural family’ promoted by certain religious groups in social and political contexts, locally, regionally, and internationally. This impact is not only negative for certain individuals and communities, but it is also harmful to every one of us and to our traditional values and national cultures.’ (Silom Manifesto)
The issues that cross intersect the agenda of LGBTIQ people in local, regional, and international arenas, including the United Nations, are often framed by the idea of family and traditional values. The polysemy and politicization of this concept increases the dispute over the definition of family. After all, what is family? Today, some anti-rights actors attempt to define it in limited, static and heteronormative terms. Yet, in a world that claims to be increasingly diverse and plural, would it still be possible to establish limits to what a family is and how it is organized? How do the rainbow families, mosaic families, and diverse families place themselves in this debate?
To answer these and so many other questions, The Global Interfaith Network For People of All Sexes, Sexual Orientations, Gender Identities and Expressions (GIN-SSOGIE) organized 7 regional seminars in its series entitled ‘Family and Traditional Values’. These seminars were held from 2017 through 2020. Due to the outbreak of the COVID 19 pandemic, the seminars held in 2020 were all done online. All 7 meetings brought together more than 100 activists, scholars, and human rights advocates from almost 50 different countries. The seminar series provided a platform for LGBTIQ people of diverse faith communities to share their experiences and perspectives in order to show, and give voice to the diversity of faith-based perspectives on gender, sexuality, and family that exist across regions.
The report is available here.