en English


GIN Annual Report 2022

The Global Interfaith Network for People of All Sexes, Sexual Orientations, Gender Identities and Expressions (GIN-SSOGIE or simply GIN) strives for a just world in which the dignity, faith, spirituality, and human rights of persons of all sexes, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions are honoured, supported and protected. GIN is committed to using our beliefs and traditions to ensure that the views, values and rights of all people are recognised and respected.

GIN continues to implement its programming, advocacy, operations and collaborative work strategically in order to promote just and inclusive societies. This means challenging the inequalities that continue to result in violence against marginalised groups in key affected contexts where powers collude with religion to cause homophobic or transphobic discrimination. We and our partners continue to mobilise LGBTQI+ people of faith and their allies to promote and protect the human rights of LGBTQI+ people everywhere.

This report highlights our main activities in 2022 with regard to advocacy, training, programmes, and the production of relevant resources. In addition, we report on organisational changes that have strengthened our scope and agility and we also recognise some of the key partners with whom we worked this year.

You can download the Annual Report Here.

Explore our programmes

The Family & Traditional Values Seminar series

The Religious Dialogue Partners’ process

The Speakers’ Bureau

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region or country get in touch with us

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