en English


Ana Ester

Based in the United States
Faith tradition/s: Christian
Pronouns: She/hers

Ana Ester is a Brazilian feminist-lesbian-queer theologian and holds a Ph.D. and Master in Religious Studies from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. She is ordained in the Metropolitan Community Churches and a member of Iglesia Antigua de las Americas. Ana Ester is also a member of the American Academy of Religion (AAR) and the Brazilian Association of Homoculture Studies (ABEH). She is a columnist on LGBTQIA+ issues for the Brazilian journal Revista Senso. Ana Ester is a recognized speaker in Brazil on queer theologies, having presented talks within LGBTQIA+ faith communities, including Christians (Evangélicxs pela Diversidade, Rede Nacional de Grupos Católicos LGBT), Buddhists (Rainbow Shanga Brasil), and Jews (Gaavah Brasil). She has collaborated with GIN-SSOGIE writing reports and co-organizing the São Leopoldo seminar on Family and Traditional Values (2019).

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