en English


Dillon Mohamed

Based in Guyana
Faith tradition: Christian
Pronouns: He, his

Dillon is the Caribbean representative on the board of the Global Interfaith Network. Aged 27, he holds a Diploma in Theology and Christian Ministry from the AOG Bible College in Guyana and certificates in Aeronautical Information Services and Air Traffic Management from the Guyana Civil Aviation Training School. Dillon is an air traffic controller by profession and student of the University of Guyana pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in English Linguistics. As an active member of the Society Against Sexual Orientation Discrimination (SASOD Guyana) and lay pastor of the Hope of Christ United Anglo-Catholic Church (Guyana’s first LGBTQ affirming church), Dillon has been on the forefront of advocating for LGBTQ rights particularly engaging churches and para-church organisations. Dillon is a lover of nature and animals and also an astute advocate for the environment and indigenous peoples, religions and languages. His greatest dream is to one day see a world where there is peace, love and equality for all of humanity.

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