en English


Tania Irias Guerrero

Based in Spain
Pronouns: She. hers
Faith tradition: Catholic

Tania Irias Guerrero is a lesbian woman, member of Grupo Lésbico Feminista Artemisa, feminist, Nicaraguan, 36 years old, Computer Engineer, mother of 2 children aged 3 and 12, due to the socio-political crisis that Nicaragua is facing, she is in exile since March 2019, lesbian activist since 2010.

Tania Irias Guerrero es una mujer lesbiana, miembro del Grupo Lésbico Feminista Artemisa, feminista, Nicaragüense, 36 años, Ingeniera en Computación, madre de 2 hijos de 3 y 12 años, debido a la crisis sociopolítica que enfrenta Nicaragua se exilio desde Marzo 2019, activista lesbiana desde 2010.

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