Vice President of the World Congress Lgbt Jews (Lesbian, Gays, Bisexuales, Trans,) from 2019 to the present. Member of the Board of Directors of the Delegation of Associations Israelita Argentina D.A.I.A. Vice President of Argentinean Jewish Gays Lgbt (J.A.G.) from 2018 to the present. President of J.AG. during the years 2011-2018. Member of the Directive Commission of the Israelite Congregation of Argentine Republic C.I.R.A. (Libertad Temple) 2015 to present.
I am 51 years old, I was born in a Jewish family.
I started to understand 16 years ago that the only way I could make certain things change was getting myself involved, therefore my first steps as a LGBT+ militant were taken around 2004 participating of the early stages of JAG (Argentinean Jewish Gays ). Nevertheless I had previously gone through some personal experiences that taught me the importance of not being alone while trying to struggle for certain social or communitarian transformations
When I approached the WC in August 2006, I learned that there were many Jewish working for inclusion and visibility. I participated then as Officer at Large Western Hemisphere for a couple of years. I started to foster in Argentina the development of Communitarian policies through networks, taking as a model many of the institutions included in the WC, this, along with a growing commitment with JAG, allowed us to face and achieve challenges never thought of before.
We made our way into Fundacion Judaica (Jewish Foundation) in 2008, thus achieving an unprecedented integration within the Argentinean Jewish Community; therefore the LGBT+ people started to become visible.
During 2010 JAG also helped and worked along with other LGBT+ Organizations in order to get the Same Sex Marriage Law passed. This Law allowed me to marry Marcelo Robles in 2015, which can be considered one more step towards the first Same Sex chuppah within the Conservative Movement in Latin America that was carried out in 2016. JAG was also acknowledged and included in 2014 within the most representative Jewish Institution of Argentina, DAIA (Argentine Delegation of Israel Associations) and in November 2018 I was nominated and elected as a member of its Board.
We have also organized and hosted the first Shabatton in Buenos Aires, in 2017. This allowed us to become a beacon in Latin America, strengthening existing bonds and generating new lines of thought and work .